Friday, August 21, 2015

"Living To Run, And Running To Live..."

I have a hell of a time talking to people these days.
Part of it is me. But a good part of it is people. The inability to communicate in a civil manner, and a general degradation of the culture has prompted me to simply withdraw from social interaction.
Yeah, it borderlines on reclusiveness. I starve for intellectual conversation. Of course, these days, I don't know whether or not I could keep up with folks like I use to.
I think I feel myself slipping....slipping as in getting older, and not nearly as sharp as I once was.
I suppose it's a natural progression for most all of us in our lives.
We hit our mid 30's or early 40's and we look in retrospect on the time we can never get back, realizing our lives are about half over. I'm understanding those old Bob Seger songs more and more everyday.
"Against The Wind" isn't just a good classic jam anymore, it's an anthem of the heart.
I can even forgive the commercialization of  "Like A Rock", and listen to those lyrics as an epitaph to lost youth.
From "Like A Rock" :
" And I stood arrow straight, unencumbered by the weight of all these hustlers and their schemes...
I stood proud, and I stood tall, high above it all, I still believed in my dreams."
Those better days, when the world was wide open for us all.
These days, it's full of mortgage payments,doctor bills, and the uncertainty of what the next volley of bad news is going to be.
But even through all of that, I look for the brief moments of perfection.
The sun slipping down behind the mountain in the evening, the sky resonating in waves of orange and gold.
The wind dancing across the blades of wild grass in the fields, carrying with it, the dust of a million summer days.
The heartbeat of a 4 legged companion curled up next to you in your favorite chair.
The haunting chords of a song from the old days, emanating from speakers of an old stereo.
Those brief moments of perfection.
What am I driving at here, you ask? Maybe nothing.
Maybe I'm just moved by an old song.

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